
From an engineer and dancer, I’ve turned into a tabla student and am training to become a professional classical tabla player in a male-dominated field.  For a while I turned on the blinders with tabla, but my world has just re-expanded and come back to encompass all that I did before and more. I’m an artist manager, business owner, and champion for Indian arts.  I’m a proud woman of tabla, playing with Taalika – the only female tabla ensemble and also tour with Talavya (as their harmonium player), whom I manage.

Born in the West, I’ve lived in the East and now move back and forth between them both.  As I seek to understand the world through sound, I write about my world through various lens.   While my world primarily consists of music and philosophy, I also love to bake, and am still an environmental engineer at heart.

All thoughts have rhythm.  Here is where I write them.

Follow me on twitter: @heenatabla
Find me on facebook: facebook.com/heenatabla

5 responses to “About

  1. manoj

    do you ever play weddings?? if so – can you please share your contact info. thank you

    • Sorry for the delayed response. Just saw this. Yes we play at weddings. Shoot me an email at my name (see the social media links and you can guess that) [at] rrmproductions [dot] com

  2. patel

    I ran across your story on another blog and couldn’t help but notice how similar we are: we both share the same last name, we’re born and raised in TO, trained as environmental engineers, and we both decided to carve out different career paths. Kind of freakishly similar if you ask me. Keep up the great work!

    • That is crazy, but awesome. What career path have you taken?

      • patel

        Having to write one too many engineering reports put me over the top and I decided to design socks— and I’m not talking about the ones used to contain oil spills. Funny where life carries you sometimes.

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